The solutions and services we provide through our Sun & Living Spaces division play a major role in creating an atmosphere of comfort and improving people's quality of life. Here our offerings range from sun and weather protection to the design and creation of living spaces. We ensure that everything we provide fits in perfect harmony with people's wants and needs.

In our Plastics & Engineering division, we take customer requests and turn them into innovative plastics solutions. Using our competence and expert knowledge, we work closely with our partners in the automotive, medical technology and sun shading technology industries to develop high-quality products for the most demanding applications. Our high-precision mould design operations form the basis for making these concepts a reality.

The WAREMA brand is the origin of our group of companies and the strong base of the division

As the Plastics Partner, the brand offers the fastest possible delivery with individual production for the automotive, medical technology and other industries.

CARAVITA is a summer manufacturer for exclusive tailor-made parasols and sun sails with a Mediterranean lifestyle.

With more than 40 years of experience in the sun protection market, the youngest member of the WAREMA Group offers, in particular, interior sun protection products.

CLIP'N'SHADE keeps flats cool - in a simple, sustainable and resource-saving way.

WAREMA Renkhoff SE
Hans-Wilhelm-Renkhoff-Straße 2
D-97828 Marktheidenfeld

Telephone: 09391 / 20-0
Telefax: 09391 / 20-42 99
